Crafted Coaching and Consulting
We are excited to offer 5 week coaching primers on specific areas of focus for leaders. These online groups will meet weekly from the week of November 12th - December 17th 2018 and will be $149 per primer. Participants can also pay an additional $49 for a one on one session with their coach. Registration open from Saturday, October 27th to Wednesday, Nov 9th as long as space in each group is available.
Sponsored by Lead Stories Media and The Ezer Collective.
Starting Missional Communities with Keisha Polonio
This coaching group will focus on the 5 phases of starting a missional community. Each week we will take your dream to reach your neighborhood, classroom, office or the world around and create tangible next steps to see your dream become a reality.
Sign Up For Group 1 - Sunday 7-8pm Central
Sign up For Group 2 - Tuesdays 7-8pm Central
Vision Casting and Selling the Mission: Fundraising 101 with Gwen Adams
We will talk through the building blocks of finding:
1. The foundation that must be laid before the “ask.”
2. The target group for the ask.
3. Building sustainable income streams.
4. Donor care and follow-up.
5. The do’s and don’t’s of fundraising events.
Each participant will build and begin executing a funding plan.
Sign Up For Group 1 - Mondays 12-1pm Central
Sign Up For Group 2 - Mondays 1:30-2:30pm Central
Public Speaking Essentials with Pastor Steph O’Brien
This coaching group will focus on the art of public speaking. The content can be applied to speaking, teaching, training and preaching to groups of all sizes and audiences of all types. We will focus on 1 of the 5 different "essentials" each week with short exercises to do between sessions. A one on one session will involve specific feedback for you from Pastor Steph.
Sign Up For Group 1 - Mondays 4:30-5:30pm Central
FULL Group 2 - Sundays 7-8pm Central
Embracing Empowerment: Moving Beyond Anxious Leadership with Pastor Kim Whetstone
As female leaders/female leaders of color we may face covert and overt ridicule, critiques and slights as we lead in our contexts. Overtime, these slights can be disorienting, causing us to become anxious and question our gifts and abilities. Through the tools of sociology, psychology, scripture and spiritual formation, we will dive into our stories, explore frameworks to help us rightly name, reframe and ground our experiences while gaining tools to help us move from anxiety to empowerment in our leadership. Some journaling and brief activities for self-care will be required between sessions.
Sign Up For Group 1 - Sundays 4-5pm Central
Sign Up For Group 2 - Wednesdays 7-8pm Central
Strengthening Your Writing with Grace P. Cho
This coaching group will focus on strengthening your writing in order to create compelling content. The skills you will learn can be applied to any nonfiction, faith-based writing. Each week, we will work on ways to draw your reader in (through story) and to leave them with truth (takeaway). Writing exercises and sample work should be expected. A one-on-one session with Grace will involve editorial feedback on a post or article you've written.
Sign Up For Group 1 - Fridays 12-1 pm Central
Sign Up For Group 2 - Fridays 10:30-11:30pm Central
Between Two Worlds - Leadership and Motherhood with Pastor Cyon Edgerton
This coaching group will focus on navigating the world of leadership and calling while also wearing the “parent” hat. The content will focus on addressing the inner conflict (guilt, neglecting one role for the sake of another, frustration, etc.) as well as the external conflict (un-friendly work environments, demands of leadership and parenting, etc.). We will discuss a variety of focus areas and work to develop practical tools to navigate both worlds.
Sign Up For Group 1 - Mondays 12-1pm Central
Sign Up For Group 2 - Wednesdays 2-3pm Central
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made – An Introduction to the Enneagram with Karen Johnson
This coaching group focuses on increasing our self and other awareness through the Enneagram Personality Model. It explores our unique personality and the unique personalities of others as reflections of God’s image. We will discuss the contributions and struggles of each personality type, the variety of intelligences, and how to cooperate with God’s design as you grow personally, professionally and spiritually. Includes an online assessment.
Sign Up For Group 1: Tuesdays 4:30pm-5:30pm Central
Sign Up For Group 2: Thursdays 8:00pm-9:00pm Central